Project and life Updates.
Projects, Brands and Life Update.
A good chunk of my following and past content is from days and given its been years without any new content I thought I would fill you guys on all my current projects and creative endeavors
Vi4V Films
Vi4V Films is a film production company with 2 half’s, We produce original content such as short and feature length films and web series and whatever other content our team can come up with, as well has offer full service video production to clients. We often produce music videos, internal and external corporate videos and advertisements. Currently we are wrapping up this year’s client jobs that include a music video and a feature length horror film. Follow @vi4vfilms on social media for inquiries on hiring and project updates.
Outside of Vi4V Films I also have a personal youtube where I post my stupid shorts, examples of my work and vlog pretty regularly. Vlogging is a bitch but I hope to get to a point where I vlog 2-4 times a month.
Vi4V Collective
As a side art project, I started designing T shirts for Utopia Tattoo, after doing that for a bit I found a love for it as a hobby and decided to build my own brand with my brother Clay. Our art isn’t the best but we envision a platform for a collective of artist, musician’s and content creators to share some art with the world and
promote and support film and music.
So I want to start a record label….. I don’t know what that means yet but I have a deep love for music and shows and all of that and I have skills, assets and resources to help musicians get recorded, create content and play shows….. So stay tuned for updates on that wild idea.
I know this was not a very detailed blog but I hope you enjoy.